
Children are a sacred inheritance from god. How blessed we are to inherit these precious spirits. God trusts us enough to parent his children, what a magnificent wonder. One of the purposes of parenting is to raise God’s children in a way that he would raise us, if He were here. Another purpose is to […]

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Can you remember a time when someone was telling you something, and you just didn’t get it? They were speaking your language, but it somehow seemed foreign. Or maybe there was a time when someone didn’t understand what you said and there was a miscommunication. One thing that most couples wish was better was the communication. Communication […]

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In Chinese you can’t write crisis without including the characters for danger and opportunity. This implies that a crisis could either be a danger or opportunity for us. It is what we make of it. I’m sure you have all had a time of crisis in your families. Some may include accidents, moving, surgery, death, […]

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One of the main transitions we look forward to in life is marriage. We all kinda just want to skip to the marriage part before making the important transitions that happen beforehand. “Oh he/she looks cute, lets get married.”Sorry boys and girls it doesn’t work like that. Before we make this transition there is an […]

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What is Love <3

I find myself asking this question a lot, what is love? How do I know if I’m in love with someone? Does it mean different things for different people? Well lets discover what it means together. First of all did you know psychologists have done a lot studies on love, and have found that it […]

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A lot of people use the terms gender and sex anonymously, but they have two very different meanings. Sex refers to our biological makeup, you know if we have male parts or the female parts. Gender on the other hand refers to the social norms attached to each gender. Think of when a baby is […]

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Power Within

Paradigm: Intellectual perception or view, accepted by an individual or a society as a clear example, model, or pattern of how things work in the world. I believe that due to our paradigms, we tend to misunderstand other cultures or even other people. We each have our set of values and I believe we have […]

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Phenonenom: a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question Have you ever thought about something that you can’t explain why it happens? Like the weather or a virus? This is called a phenomenon- say that word 10 times fast. One thing that really […]

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Trending 1..2..3..

If family is not the most trendy thing right now, what is? Well let me give you some recent data on family trends in the US: Adults are delaying marriage, the average age of marriage is 26,28,29 More couples without children, average of 2 kids per family Declining Birth Rates Mothers with children under the […]

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